1) Radiofrequency Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Fine Structure in n = 3,4,5, Physical Review Letters 26 (1971) 347; (with F M Pipkin and C W Fabjan)
2) Radiofrequency Optical method for Studying Electron Capture by Protons Incident upon Various Ground State Targets, Abstracts of the VIIth International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Amsterdam, North Holland, 1971) 810; (with F M Pipkin)
3) Interaction of a Decaying Atom with a Linearly Polarized Oscillating Field, Journal of Physics B: Atomic & Molecular Physics 5 (1972) 1844; (with F M Pipkin)
4) Radiation Damping of Atomic States in the Presence of an External Time Dependent Potential, Journal of Physics B: Atomic & Molecular Physics 5 (1972) 2236; (with F M Pipkin)
5) Optical Electric Resonance Investigation of Fast Hydrogen Atom Production by Charge Exchange, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 18 (1973) 141; (with F M Pipkin)
6) Optical Electric Resonance Investigation of a Fast Hydrogen Beam, Part I: Theory of the Atom RF Field Interaction, Journal of Physics B: Atomic & Molecular Physics 7 (1974) 704; (with F M Pipkin)
7) Optical Electric Resonance Investigation of a Fast Hydrogen Beam, Part II: Theory of the Optical Detection Process, Journal of Physics B: Atomic & Molecular Physics 7 (1974) 730; (with F M Pipkin)
8) Optical Electric Resonance Investigation of a Fast Hydrogen Beam, Part III: Experimental Procedure and Analysis of H(n=4) Quantum States, Journal of Physics B: Atomic & Molecular Physics 7 (1974) 747; (with F M Pipkin)
9) Quantum Beat Spectroscopy of Sodium Rydberg States, Abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Atomic Physics (Heidelberg, 1974); (with S Haroche and M Gross)
10) Observation of Fine Structure Beats Following Stepwise Excitation in Sodium D States, Physical Review Letters 33 (1974) 1063; (with S Haroche and M Gross)
11) General Theory of Laser-Induced Quantum Beats, Part I: Saturation Effects of a Single Laser Excitation, Physical Review A 18 (1978) 1507; (with S Haroche and M Gross)
12) General Theory of Laser-Induced Quantum Beats, Part II: Sequential Laser Excitation, Physical Review A 18 (1978) 1517; (with S Haroche and M Gross)
13) Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of Gases with Multipass Spectrophone and Tunable Diode Lasers, Optical Society of America Technical Digest: Topical Meeting on Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (Ames, Iowa, August 1979) Paper No. PD5P; (with G Tucker, M Wahlen, and E Marczak)
14) PAS of Gases with Multipass Spectrophone and Tunable Diode Lasers, Proceedings of the Conference on High Resolution Infrared Applications and Developments, National Bureau of Standards (Gaithersburg, Maryland, June 1980); (with G Tucker, M Wahlen, and E Marczak)
15) Gravitational Deflection of Relativistic Massive Particles, American Journal of Physics 48 (1980) 72
16) The Distinguishability of 0 and 2π Rotations by Means of Quantum Interference in Atomic Fluorescence, Journal of Physics B: Atomic & Molecular Physics 13 (1980) 2367
17) The Curious Problem of Spinor Rotation, European Journal of Physics 1 (1980) 116 [invited paper]
18) On the Anomalous Fine Structure in Sodium Rydberg States, American Journal of Physics 48 (1980) 244
19) An Exactly Soluble Model of the Atom in an Arbitrarily Strong Uniform Magnetic Field, American Journal of Physics 49 (1981) 549
20) Exact Spectrum of the Two-Dimensional Rigid Rotator in External Fields, Part I: Stark Effect, Physical Review A 24 (1981) 339
21) Exact Spectrum of the Two-Dimensional Rigid Rotator in External Fields, Part II: Zeeman Effect, Physical Review A 24 (1981) 342
22) Broken Symmetry of the Charged Planar Rotator in Electric and Magnetic Fields, American Journal of Physics 49 (1981) 871
23) Interference Colors with “Hidden” Polarizers, American Journal of Physics 49 (1981) 881
24) Enhanced Internal Reflection from an Inverted Medium, Journal of the Optical Society of America 71 (1981) 1641; (with R F Cybulski, Jr.)
25) Relativistic Time Dilatation of Bound Muons and the Lorentz Invariance of Charge, American Journal of Physics 50 (1982) 251
26) Book Review: The Investigation of the Physical World, G. Toraldo di Francia (Cambridge University Press, 1981), American Scientist 70 (1982) 80 [invited review]
27) The Vortex Tube: A Violation of the Second Law?, European Journal of Physics 3 (1982) 88
28) Reflectance from an Exponentially Non-Uniform Gain Region, Technical Digest of the Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America (Tucson, Arizona, October 1982) 18; Journal of the Optical Society of America 72 (1982) 1735; (with R F Cybulski, Jr.)
29) Light Amplification by Reflection from an Inverted Medium, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 28 (1983) 853; (with R F Cybulski, Jr.)
30) Enhanced Internal Reflection from an Exponentially Amplifying Medium, Optics Letters 8 (1983) 142; (with R F Cybulski, Jr.)
31) Enhanced Internal Reflection: Singularities, Gain, and the Transmitted Wave, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 28 (1983) 663; (with R F Cybulski, Jr.)
32) Interaction of a Heavy Muonic Atom with an Arbitrarily Strong Magnetic Field, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 28 (1983) 663
33) The Lifetime of the Dimuon Atom; Il Nuovo Cimento 2 D (1983) 848
34) Zeeman Effect in Heavy Muonic Atoms, American Journal of Physics 51 (1983) 605
35) Quantum Interference Test of Orbital Angular Momentum Eigenvalues Predicted for a Spinless Charged Particle in the Presence of Long-Range Magnetic Flux, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 28 (1983) 1344
36) Experimental Consequences of Proposed Angular Momentum Spectra for a Charged Particle in the Presence of Long-Range Magnetic Flux, Physical Review Letters 51 (1983) 1927; [Errata: 52, No. 1 (1984) 85]
37) Investigation of Light Amplification by Enhanced Internal Reflection, Part I: Theoretical Reflectance and Transmittance of an Exponentially Non-Uniform Gain Region, Journal of the Optical Society of America 75 (1983) 1732; (with R F Cybulski, Jr.)
38) Investigation of Light Amplification by Enhanced Internal Reflection, Part II: Experimental Determination of the Single-Pass Reflectance of an Optically Pumped Gain Region, Journal of the Optical Society of America 75 (1983) 1739; (with R F Cybulski, Jr.)
39) A Test for Fermionic Rotation Properties of a Charged Boson Orbiting a Magnetic Flux Tube, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 29 (1984) 721
40) Experimental Test of the Fermionic Rotation Properties of a Charged Boson-Magnetic Flux Tube Composite, Physical Review D 29 (1984) 2404
41) Reflection and Refraction of Light from a Homogeneous Gyrotropic Medium, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 1 (1984) 1316; (with R B Sohn)
42) Rotation of a Spinless Charged Particle in the Presence of an Electromagnetic Potential, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 41 (1984) 509
43) Theory of the Liquid-Vapor Transition of a Perfect Binary Solution,, Journal of Chemical Education 62 (1985) 798
44) Coherent Light Scattering at the Interface of an Isotropic Chiral Medium and Homogeneous Inactive Dielectric, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 30 (1985) 798; (with R B Sohn)
45) On the Use of Multiple-Valued Wave Functions in the Analysis of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 42 (1985) 376
46) Science as a Human Endeavor: A Freshman Seminar, American Journal of Physics 53 (1985) 715
47) Specular Light Scattering from a Chiral Medium: Unambiguous Test of Gyrotropic Constitutive Relations, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 43 (1985) 378
48) Test of Gyrotropic Constitutive Relations by Specular Light Reflection, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 2 (1985) 109
49) Intensity Correlation as a Means of Manifesting Coherent Atomic Excitation, Il Nuovo Cimento 6 D (1985) 283
50) Effects of Circular Birefringence on Light Propagation and Reflection, American Journal of Physics 54 (1986) 69; reprinted in Selected Papers on Natural Optical Activity, SPIE Milestone Series, Vol. MS 15, Ed. by A Lakhtakia, (SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, WA, 1990) 535; (with R B Sohn)
51) Angular Momentum and Rotational Properties of a Charged Particle Orbiting a Magnetic Flux Tube, Fundamental Questions in Quantum Mechanics, Ed. by L M Roth and A Inomata (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1986) 177
52) Reflection and Refraction at the Surface of a Chiral Medium: Comparison of Gyrotropic Constitutive Relations Invariant or Noninvariant under a Duality Transformation, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 3 (1986) 830; [Errata: 4 (1987) 1145]; reprinted in Selected Papers on Natural Optical Activity, SPIE Milestone Series, Vol. MS 15, Ed. by A Lakhtakia (SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, WA, 1990) 448
53) On Measurable Distinctions between Quantum Ensembles, New Techniques and Ideals in Quantum Measurement Theory, Ed. by D M Greenberger, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 480 (1986) 292
54) Quantum Optics of Particles: Distinctive Features of a Hanbury Brown-Twiss Experiment with Electrons, Optics News 12 (1986) 123; Journal of the Optical Society of America 13 (1986) 26
55) New Quantum Effects of Confined Magnetic Flux on Electrons, Physics Letters A 118 (1986) 155
56) On the Search for an Intermediate-Range Modification of the Gravitational Force, Europhysics Letters 3 (1987) 1–4
57) Effects of Potentials on Fermion Antibunching; Programme of the Schrödinger Centenary Conference, (Imperial College, London, March-April 1987) p. 2.18
58) Theoretical Study of Fermion Antibunching in a Field-Emission Beam, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 32 (1987) 1051
59) On the Feasibility of Observing Electron Antibunching in a Field-Emission Beam, Physics Letters A 120 (1987) 442
60) Distinctive Quantum Features of Electron Intensity Correlation Interferometery, Il Nuovo Cimento B 97 (1987) 200
61) Satellite Test of Intermediate-Range Deviation from Newton’s Law of Gravity, General Relativity and Gravitation 19 (1987) 511; [Gravity Research Foundation 1986 Honorable Mention Award essay]
62) New Quantum Effects by Means of Electron Intensity Interferometry, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology; (Physical Society of Japan, Tokyo, 1987), Ed. by M Namiki et al, p. 369
63) Gravitationally Induced Quantum Interference Effects on Fermion Antibunching, Physics Letters A 122 (1987) 222
64) Fermion Ensembles That Manifest Statistical Bunching, Physics Letters A 124 (1987) 27
65) Test of the Fresnel Relations for a Chiral Medium, Optics and the Information Age: 14th Congress of the International Commission for Optics, Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 813, Edited by H H Arsenault (Bellingham, Washington 1987) 413; (with T C Black)
66) Comparison of Coherence Properties of Thermal Electrons and Blackbody Radiation, Optics News 13 (1987) 115
67) Second Order Temporal and Spatial Coherence of Thermal Electrons, Il Nuovo Cimento 99 B (1987) 227
68) Experimental Method to Detect Chiral Asymmetry in Specular Light Scattering from a Naturally Optically Active Medium, Physics Letters A 126 (1987) 171; [Errata: 128 (1988) 513]; (with T C Black)
69) Precision Reflection Spectroscopy by Means of Phase-Modulated Polarized Light, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 33 (1988) 372; (with N Ritchie and G M Cushman)
70) Gravitational Modulation of Particle Clustering: A New Class of Gravitationally Induced Quantum Interference, General Relativity & Gravitation 20 (1988) 247; [Gravity Research Foundation 1987 Honorable Mention Award essay]
71) Applications of Photon Correlation Techniques to Fermions, Photon Correlation Techniques and Applications, Optical Society of America Proceedings Vol 1, Ed. by J B Abiss and A E Smart (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1988) 26
72) Quantum Interference Effects on Fermion Clustering in a Fermion Interferometer, Physica B 151 (1988) 291; reprinted in Matter Wave Interferometry, Eds. G Badurek, H Rauch, and A Zeilinger (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1988) 291
73) Experimental Configurations Employing Optical Phase Modulation to Measure Chiral Asymmetries in Light Specularly Reflected from a Naturally Gyrotropic Medium, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 5 (1988) 1852; (with N Ritchie, G M Cushman, and B Fisher)
74) Feasibility of a Neutron Hanbury Brown-Twiss Experiment with Gravitationally Induced Phase Shift, Physics Letters A 132 (1988) 154
75) Rotational Degeneracy Breaking of Atomic Substates, A Composite Quantum System in a Noninertial Reference Frame; General Relativity & Gravitation 21 (1989) 517; [Gravity Research Foundation 1988 Honorable Mention Award essay]
76) Rotationally Induced Optical Activity in Atoms, Europhysics Letters 9 (1989) 95
77) Wave Propagation through a Medium with Static and Dynamic Birefringence, Optics News 15 (1989) A75; (with J Badoz and J C Canit)
78) Two Sides of Wonder: Philosophical Keys to the Motivation of Science Learning, Synthese 80 (1989) 43 [invited paper]
79) Voice of the Dragon: The Rotating Corrugated Resonator, European Journal of Physics 10 (1989) 298; (with G M Cushman)
80) Large Enhancement of Chiral Asymmetry in Light Reflection near Critical Angle, Optics Communications 74 (1989) 129; (with J Badoz)
81) Differential Amplification of Circularly Polarised Light by Enhanced Internal Reflection from an Active Chiral Medium, Optics Communication 74 (1989) 134
82) Model of a Photoelastic Modulator with Distributed Birefringence, Polarization Considerations for Optical Systems, SPIE Proceedings Vol 1166, Ed. by R Chipman (Bellingham, Washington, 1989) 478; (with J P Badoz and J C Canit)
83) Effect of the Earth’s Rotation on Electrons Bound in Atoms, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 35 (1990) 938
84) Circular Birefringence of an Atom in Uniform Rotation: The Classical Perspective, American Journal of Physics 58 (1990) 310
85) Wave Propagation through a Medium with Static and Dynamic Birefringence: Theory of the Photoelastic Modulator, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 7 (1990) 672; (with J P Badoz and J C Canit)
86) Effect of the Earth’s Rotation on the Optical Properties of Atoms, Physics Letters A 146 (1990) 175 [Gravity Research Foundation 1990 Honorable Mention Award essay: Quantum Effect of the Earth’s Rotation on Atomic Polarisability]
87) Light Reflection from a Naturally Optically Active Birefringent Medium, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 7 (1990) 1163; (with J P Badoz)
88) An Aharonov-Bohm Experiment with Two Solenoids and Correlated Electrons, Physics Letters A 148 (1990) 154
89) Quantum Beats from Separated Atoms Excited by Correlated Photons, Optics & Photonics News 1 No. 9 (1990) A53; Optical Society of America Technical Digest Series 15 (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1990) 85
90) Enhancement of Chiral Asymmetry by Multiple Light Reflection, Optics & Photonics News 1 No. 9 (1990) A123; Optical Society of America Technical Digest Series 15 (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1990) 270; (with J Badoz)
91) How Deep Is the Ocean/How High Is the Sky? Some Thoughts on Imaging by Parallel Plates and Gravitationally Stratified Media, European Journal of Physics 11 (1990) 366
92) Quantum Interference in the Fluorescence from Entangled Atomic States, Physics Letters A 149 (1990) 413
93) Measurement of the Hydrogen Hyperfine Splitting as a Test of Quantum Mechanics in a Noninertial Reference Frame, Physics Letters A 152 (1991) 133
94) Exorcising a Maxwell Demon, Newsletter of the Harvard Graduate Society for Advanced Study and Research, Harvard University Gazette 86 No. 26 (1991) 4
95) Novel Quantum Effects in the Interaction of Correlated Charged Particles with Confined Magnetic Flux, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 36 No. 4 (1991) 1268
96) Intrinsically Achiral Matter on the Rotating Earth: The Ultimate Challenge in Chiral Materials, Technical Digest of the 1991 North American Radio Science Meeting (University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, 1991) 335
97) Aharonov-Bohm Effect of the Photon, Physics Letters A 156 (1991) 131
98) Experimental Investigation of the Fresnel Coefficients for an Isotropic Chiral Medium, (with J.Badoz); Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS) Proceedings (Cambridge MA, July 1991) 330
99) Nonclassical Rotational Optical Activity in Atomic Hydrogen, Optics and Photonics News (Supplement) 2 No. 9 (1991) 68; Technical Digest of the 1991 Optical Society of America Annual Meeting (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1991) Vol. 17, 109–110
100) Observation of Chiral Asymmetry in the Specular Reflection of Polarized Light from a Naturally Optically Active Medium, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 37 (1992) 891; (with J Badoz)
101) Multiple Reflection from Isotropic Chiral Media and the Enhancement of Chiral Asymmetry, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Interactions 6 (1992) 587; (with J Badoz)
102) Raising Questions: Philosophical Significance of Controversy in Science, Science & Education 1 No. 2 (1992) 163–179
103) Chiral Reflection from a Naturally Optically Active Medium, Optics Letters 17 (1992) 886; (with J. Badoz and B. Briat)
104) Optical Activity Induced by Rotation of Atomic Spin, Il Nuovo Cimento 14 D (1992) 857
105) Differential Reflection of Circularly Polarized Light from a Naturally Optically Active Medium, Polarization Analysis and Measurement; SPIE Vol. 1746, Edited by D Goldstein and R Chipman (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham WA, 1992) pp.247–258; (with J Badoz)
106) Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Atoms on the Rotating Earth, Classical and Quantum Systems — Foundations and Symmetries, Proceedings of the Second International Wigner Symposium, Goslar, Germany (July 1991), Ed. by H Doebner, W Scherer, and F Schroeck, Jr. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1993) pp 469–472
107) More Than One Mystery: Quantum Interference with Correlated Charged Particles and Magnetic Fields, American Journal of Physics 61 (1993) 514–523
108) Multiple Reflection and Interference within a Chiral Medium, Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1993) Vol. 16, p. 115; (with J Badoz)
109) Ellipsometric Study of Specular Reflection from a Naturally Optically Active Medium, Thin Solid Films 234 (1993) 491–495; reprinted in Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Ed. by A C Boccara, C Pickering, and J Rivory (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1993) 491–495; (with J Badoz)
110) Optical Manifestations of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect by Ion Interferometry, Physics Letters A 182 (1993) 323–329
111) Electron Source Brightness and Degeneracy from Fresnel Fringes in Field Emission Point Projection Microscopy, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 12 (1994) 542–547; (with J C H Spence and W Qian)
112) Large Chiral Asymmetries in Light Reflected from an Optically Active Fabry-Perot Interferometer, Optics Communications 105 (1994) 15–21; (with J Badoz)
113) Interferometric Enhancement of Chiral Asymmetries: Ellipsometry with an Optically Active Fabry Perot, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 11 (1994) 1894–1917; (with J Badoz)
114) Testing the Aharonov-Bohm Effect with Ions, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 39 (1994) 1059
115) Shot Noise Limited Polarimetry with Noisy Lasers: Applications to Linear and Nonlinear Optical Activity, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Chiral, Bi-isotropic, and Bi-anisotropic Media, Eds. F Mariotte and J-P Parneix (CEA-CESTA, Bordeaux, May 1994) 199; ; (with J Badoz)
116) What is Quantum Mechanics?, contribution to “Ask The Scientist” in The New Book of Popular Science Annual 1995 (Grolier Inc., Danbury, 1994) pp. 258–259
117) Brighter Than a Million Suns: Electron Interferometry with Atom-Sized Sources, Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1994: 70 Years of Matter Waves, Eds. K V Laurikainen, C Montonen, and K Sunnarborg (Editions Frontieres, 1994, Gif-sur-Yvette) 273–282
118) Projective Imaging and Interferometry with Light and Electrons, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 40, No. 2 (April 1995) 944; (with W Strange)
119) The Richness of Maxwell’s Kingdom, Review of Electromagnetic Waves in Chiral and Bi-Isotropic Media, by I. V. Lindell, A H Sihvola, S A Tretyakov, and A J Vitanen (Artech House, Boston, 1994), The Radioscience Bulletin No. 272 (March 1995) 44–46 [invited review]
120) Self-Directed Learning: A Heretical Experiment in Teaching Physics, American Journal of Physics 63 (1995) 495–508
121) Microscopy and Interferometry with an Atomic-Size Electron Source, Current Science 68 (1995) 1003–1009
122) The Brightest Beam in Science: New Directions in Electron Microscopy and Interferometry, American Journal of Physics 63 (1995) 800–813; (with J Spence and W Strange)
123) Large Optical Rotation in Turbid Chiral Liquids, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 41 No. 1 (1996) 705; (with W Strange, J Badoz, and A Vitkin)
124) Plane-wave Scattering from a Nonchiral Object in a Chiral Environment, Helsinki University of Technology, Report 211 (December 1995), ISBN 951–22–2912–9, ISSN 0784–848X; (with I V Lindell),
125) The Newton Two-Knife Experiment: Intricacies of Wedge Diffraction, American Journal of Physics 64 (1996) 773; (with W Strange)
126) Electromagnetic Scattering by an Achiral Sphere in a Chiral Medium, Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria, 1996) 493; (with I V Lindell)
127) Self-Directed Learning: Philosophy and Implementation, Journal of Science and Education 5 (1996) 357–380
128) Enhanced Optical Rotation and Diminished Depolarization in Diffusive Scattering from a Chiral Liquid, Optics Communications 132 (1996) 410–416; (with W Strange, J Badoz, and I A Vitkin)
129) Plane-wave Scattering from a Nonchiral Object in a Chiral Environment, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 14 (1997) 79–90; (with I V Lindell)
130) Light Scattering from Optically Active and Inactive Turbid Media, Optics & Imaging in the Information Age, (The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield VA, 1997) 173–180; (with W Strange)
131) Object Detection in Turbid Media by Differential Backscattering of Polarized Light, Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing, SPIE Vol. 3121, Eds. D H Goldstein and R A Chipman, (SPIE, Bellingham WA, 1997) pp 2–12; (with W Strange)
132) Object Delineation within Turbid Media by Backscattering of Phase-Modulated Light, (with W. Strange), Optics Communications 144 (1997) 7–11
133) The Zeeman and Stark Effect, Encyclopedia of Applied Physics Vol. 23 (Wiley-VCH Verlag, 1998) 563–585 [invited chapter]
134) Seeing Through Foggy Media with Phase-Modulated Light, PEM Applications News (Hinds Instruments Inc., Hillsboro OR, Winter 1997/98) 1–5 [invited paper]
135) Musical Mastery of the Coke Bottle: Modeling by Analogy in Physics, The Physics Teacher 36 No. 2 (February 1998) 70–74 and front cover; (with E Worthy)
136) The Shapes of a Twirled Keychain, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 43 No. 2 (April 1998) 1080; (with W Strange and T C Lipscombe)
137) Projective Imaging of Periodic Structure, Optics Communications 152 (1998) 385–392; (with W Strange)
138) Flying High, Thinking Low? What Every Aeronaut Needs to Know, The Physics Teacher 36 (1998) 264–269
139) Ellipsometric Penetration of Turbid Media: Depolarization and Surface Characterization, Thin Solid Films 313–314 (1998) 831–835; reprinted in Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Ed. by R W Collins, D E Aspnes, and E A Irene (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998) 831–835; (with W Strange)
140) “String Theory”: Equilibrium Configurations of a Helicoseir, European Journal of Physics 19 (1998) 379–387; Addendum Eur. J. Phys. 20 (1999) 123; (with W Strange and T C Lipscombe)
141) Review of Portraits of Discovery: Profiles in Scientific Genius by G Greenstein, American Journal of Physics 66 (1998) 1030–1031
142) Tests of Quantum Decay Processes for Randomness by the Theory of Grouping in Sequences of Altenatives, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 44, No. 1, Part II (March 1999) 1160; (with W Strange and T C Lipscombe)
143) On the Run: Unexpected Outcomes of Random Events, The Physics Teacher 37 (April 1999) 218–225; (with W Strange, C R Silverman, and T C Lipscombe)
144) Tests of Alpha-, Beta-, and Electron Capture Decays for Randomness, Physics Letters A 262 (1999) 265–273; (with W Strange, C R Silverman, and T C Lipscombe)
145) Tests for Randomness of Spontaneous Quantum Decay, Physical Review A 61 (April 2000) 042106 (1–10); (with W Strange, C R Silverman, and T C Lipscombe)
146) Cool in the Kitchen: Radiation, Conduction, and the Newton “Hot Block” Experiment, The Physics Teacher 38 (February 2000) 82–88; (with C R Silverman)
147) Nature’s Coin Toss: Tests of Nuclear Decay for Randomness, Bulletin of the American Physical Society (pdf) Paper Q21.011 (April 2000) 111; (with W Strange, C R Silverman, and T C Lipscombe)
148) Experimental Tests for Randomness of Quantum Decay Examined as a Markov Process, Physics Letters A 272 (2000) 1–9; (with W Strange)
149) Polarimetric Detection of Cached Objects and Chiral Solutes by Light Scattering in Turbid Media, Applications of Photonic Technology 4, SPIE Vol 4087, Eds. R A Lessard and G A Lampropoulos, (SPIE, Bellingham WA, 2000) pp 1079–1088; (with W Strange)
150) Symmetry Breaking in a University with Two Time Dimensions: Implications for the Origin of Gravity and Nature of Dark Matter, Gravity Research Foundation (2000) (GRF, Wellesley Hills MA, 2000); (with R L Mallett)
151) No-Shows Spoil Meeting Sessions, Physics Today 54 (September 2001) 79
152) Cosmic Degenerate Matter: A Possible Solution to the Problem of Missing Mass, Classical and Quantum Gravity 18 (2001) L37-L42; (with R L Mallett)
153) Cosmic Degenerate Matter: Gravitational Condensation of Ultra-Low Mass Bosons, Bulletin of the American Physical Society , 46, No. 2 (April 2001) 148–149; (with R L Mallett)
154) Coherent Degenerate Dark Matter: A Galactic Superfluid?, Classical and Quantum Gravity 18 (2001) L103-L108
155) Coherent Degenerate Dark Matter: A Galactic Superfluid?, Gravity Research Foundation (2001), (GRF, Wellesley Hills MA, 2001) Honorable Mention Essay; (with R L Mallett)
156) Dark Matter as a Cosmic Bose-Einstein Condensate and Possible Superfluid, General Relativity & Gravitation 34 (2002) 633–649, Erratum 35 (2002) 335; (with R L Mallett)
157) Power, Reaction, and Excitement…in an AC Circuit, The Physics Teacher 40 (2002) 302–307
158) Review of Neutron Interferometry: Lessons in Experimental Quantum Mechanics by H Rauch and S Werner, American Journal of Physics 70 (2002) 1272–1274
159) Quantum Theory, (with R.L. Mallett), in AIP Physics Desk Reference, 3rd Edition, Eds. E R Cohen, D R Lide, and G L Trigg (Springer, New York, 2003) Chapter 23 [invited chapter]
160) Distributions of Experimental Quantities Represented as Products and Quotients of Random Variables, Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2003) J1005/S241005
161) Review of Newton’s Tyranny: The Suppressed Scientific Discoveries of Stephen Gray and John Flamsteed by D H Clark and S P H Clark, American Journal of Physics 71 (2003) 507–508
162) Review of Extravagant Universe: Exploding Stars, Dark Energy, and the Accelerating Cosmos by R P Kirshner, American Journal of Physics 71 (2003) 830–832
163) Zeeman and Stark Effects, The Optics Encyclopedia: Basic Foundations and Practical Applications, Vol. 5, Eds. Th G Brown, K Creath, H Kogelnik, M A Kriss, J Schmit, M J Weber, (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003) 3373–3404 [invited chapter]
164) Review of Hubbert’s Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage by K S Deffeyes, American Journal of Physics 72 (2004) 126–127
165) Quantum Test of the Distributions of Composite Physical Measurements, Europhysics Letters 67 (2004) 572–578; (with W Strange and T C Lipscombe)
166) The Distribution of Composite Measurements: How to Be Certain of the Uncertainties in What We Measure, American Journal of Physics 72 (2004) 1068–1081; (with W Strange and T C Lipscombe)
167) Quantum Stabilization of a Relativistic Degenerate Star Beyond the Chandrasekhar Mass Limit, Gravity Research Foundation (2004), (GRF, Wellesley Hills MA, 2004) Honorable Mention Essay
168) Quantum Stabilization of a Relativistic Degenerate Star Beyond the Chandrasekhar Mass Limit, International Journal of Modern Physics D 13 No. 10 (2004) 2281–2291
169) Review of Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics by John Derbyshire, American Journal of Physics 73 (2005) 287–288
170) Review of Sneaking a Look at God’s Cards: Unraveling the Mysteries of Quantum Mechanics by G Ghirardi, American Journal of Physics 73 (2005) 670–671
171) Review of Schrödinger’s Rabbits: The Many Worlds of Quantum by Bruce Colin, Physics in Perspective 7 (December 2005) 496–498
172) Gravitationally-Induced Particle Resorption into the Vacuum: A General Solution to the Problem of Black Hole Collapse, Gravity Research Foundation (2005), (GRF Wellesley Hills MA 2005) Honorable Mention Essay
173) Gravitationally-Induced Particle Resorption into the Vacuum: A General Solution to the Problem of Black Hole Collapse, International Journal of Modern Physics D 14 (2005) 2285–2291
174) Fermion Condensation In A Stellar Black Hole: Arrested Collapse and Macroscopic Equilibrium, Gravity Research Foundation (2006) (GRF Wellesley Hills MA 2006) Honorable Mention Essay
175) Fermion Condensation In A Relativistic Degenerate Star: Arrested Collapse and Macroscopic Equilibrium, International Journal of Modern Physics D 15 (December 2006) 2257–2265
176) Condensates in the Cosmos: Quantum Stabilization of the Collapse of Relativistic Degenerate Stars to Black Holes, Foundations of Physics (2007) DOI: 10.1007/s10701–007–9121–0 (Springer Science+Business Media LLC); 37, Issue 4–5, pp. (2007) 632–669
177) Review of An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergence of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It by Al Gore, Physics in Perspective 9 (June 2007) 259–262
178) Quantum Condensates in Extreme Gravity: Implications for Cold Stars and Dark Matter, Gravity Research Foundation (2007) (GRF Wellesley Hills MA 2007) Honorable Mention Essay
179) Quantum Condensates in Extreme Gravity: Implications for Cold Stars and Dark Matter, International Journal of Modern Physics D 17 (2008) 603–609
180) Search for Correlated Fluctuations in the Decay of Na-22, Bulletin of the American Physical Society (online), 2008 Joint Fall Meeting of the New England Sections of APS and AAPT,
181) Search for Correlated Fluctuations in the Decay of Na-22, Europhysics Letters 87 (2009) 32001 p1–6; (with W Strange)
182) Two-dimensional Descent through a Compressible Atmosphere: Sequential Deceleration of an Unpowered Load, Europhysics Letters 89 (2010) 48002 p1–6
183) Search for Patterns in Sequences of Single-Photon Polarization Measurements, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 28 (2011) 1423–1429; (with D Branning, A Katcher, and W Strange)
184) Fragmentation of Explosively Metastable Glass, Physica Scripta 85 (2012) 065403 (1–9); (with W Strange, J Bower, and L Ikejimba)
185) Quantum Stabilization of General-Relativistic Variable-Density Stars, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 57 (2012) No. 3, Paper T8.07 presented at the APS April Meeting 2012; (with D Cox and R L Mallett)
186) Quantum Stabilization of General-Relativistic Variable-Density Stars, Journal of Modern Physics 3 (2012) 561–569; (with D Cox and R L Mallett)
187) Numerical Procedures for Calculating the Probabilities of Recurrent Runs, Open Journal of Statistics 4 (2014) 122–131
188) Theory of Nuclear Half-life Determination by Statistical Sampling, Europhysics Letters 105 (2014) 22001 (p1-p5)
189) Statistical Analysis of Subsurface Diffusion of Solar Energy with Implications for Urban Heat Stress, Journal of Modern Physics 5 (2014) 751–762
190) Cheating or Coincidence? Statistical Method Employing the Principle of Maximum Entropy for Judging Whether a Student Has Committed Plagiarism, Open Journal of Statistics 5 (2015) 143–157
191) Search for Non-Standard Radioactive Decay Based on Distribution of Activities, Europhysics Letters 110 (2015) 52001 (1–5). doi: 10.1209/0295–5075/110/52001
192) Review of Neutron Interferometry: Lessons in Experimental Quantum Mechanics 2nd Edition by H. Rauch and S. Werner, Journal of Applied Crystallography 48 (2015) 1607–1608
193) Effects of a Periodic Decay Rate on the Statistics of Radioactive Decay: New Methods to Search for Violations of the Law of Radioactive Change, Journal of Modern Physics 6 (2015) 1533–1553
194) Motivating Students to Learn Science: A Physicist’s Perspective, Journal of Creative Education 6 (2015) 1982–1992
195) Search for Anomalies in the Decay of Radioactive Mn-54, Europhysics Letters 114 (2016) 62001 p1-6
196) Method to Measure Indoor Radon Concentration in an Open Volume with Geiger-Mueller Counters: Analysis from First Principles, World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 6 (2016) 232-260
197) Scientific Controversies: Authentic and Contrived, Science & Education 26 (2017) 397-405. DOI 10.1007/s11191-017-9886-2 [Invited paper].
198) Analysis of Residence Time in the Measurement of Radon Activity by Passive Diffusion in an Open Volume: A Micro-Statistical Approach, World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 7 (2017) 252-273.
199) Brownian Motion of Decaying Particles: Transition Probability, Computer Simulation, and First-Passage Times, Journal of Modern Physics 8 (2017) 1809-1849
200) Brownian Motion of Radioactive Particles: Derivation and Monte Carlo Test of Spatial and Temporal Distributions, World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 8 (2018) 86-119; (with A Mudvari)
201) Bending of a Tapered Rod: Modern Application and Experimental Test of Elastica Theory, World Journal Mechanics 8 (2018) 272-300 (with J Farrah)
202) Reaction Forces on a Fixed Ladder in Static Equilibrium: Analysis and Definitive Experimental Test of the Ladder Problem, World Journal of Mechanics 8 (2018) 311-342
203) The Role of Friction in the Static Equilibrium of a Fixed Ladder: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Test, World Journal of Mechanics 8 (2018) 445-463
204) Progressive Randomization of a Deck of Playing Cards: Experimental Test and Statistical Analysis of the Riffle Shuffle, Open Journal of Statistics 9 (2019) 268-298
205) Crowdsourced Sampling of a Composite Random Variable: Analysis, Simulation, and Experimental Test, Open Journal of Statistics 9 (2019) 494-529
206) Extraction of Information from Crowdsourcing: Experimental Test Employing Bayesian, Maximum Likelihood, and Maximum Entropy Methods, Open Journal of Statistics 9 (2019) 571-600
207) Exact Statistical Distribution of the Body Mass Index (BMI): Analysis and Experimental Confirmation, Open Journal of Statistics 12 (2022) 324-356
208) Exact Statistical Distribution and Correlation of Human Height and Weight: Analysis and Experimental Confirmation, Open Journal of Statistics 12 (2022) 743-787
209) Barrier to Alzheimer's?, Scientific American 326 (September 2022) 8-9 [Letter re: "Holes in the Shield", May 2021]
210) Probability Distribution of SARS-Cov-2 (COVID) Infectivity Following Onset of Symptoms: Analysis from First Principles” Open Journal of Statistics 13 (2023) 233–263