Fundamentals of Quantum Physics

Over the course of my career, I have worked on a wide variety of problems of a quantum mechanical nature. Some of these projects include:

  • Exact determination of the eigenvalue spectrum of the quantum rotator in arbitrarily strong electric, magnetic, and vector potential fields. The quantum rotator is a model system for many physical phenomena.
  • Theory of composite quantum systems comprising charged particles and magnetic flux tubes. Such systems display novel quantum interference and quantum statistical effects and play a significant role in various low-temperature processes in condensed matter.
  • Theoretical description of new classes of quantum interference experiments involving the interference of entangled states and second-order correlations of particles subjected to external potentials. Examples include hybrid experimental configurations combining the attributes of the Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen effect, and Aharonov-Bohm effect. A group theoretical analysis of particle interferometers led to the theoretical prediction of new types of multi-fermion states with surprising statistical properties.
  • Proposal of ion interferometry and test of the Aharonov-Bohm effect with ions. Ion interferometry produces quantum interference effects sensitive not only to particle charge, but also to the internal electronic structure of the ion.
  • Investigation of new directions in electron microscopy and electron interferometry based on field-emission sources of atomic size. Such sources, used in the configuration of a point-projection microscope, produce a strongly focussed, highly coherent electron beam ideal for low-energy, lensless holographic imaging. The configuration provides detailed information about the coherence, brightness, and degeneracy of the source, and may serve as a basis for realizing the quantum interference effects proposed in my papers and books.